Friday, July 25, 2008

Update 7/25

Hey SAPS Team, 
Just wanted to give you guys an update before the weekend. I've sent out a newsletter. It doesn't contain much but says that we are adding two new authors to the Southern Area Paranormal Society site. Check your email to find out or just wait around until they accept my invitation on blogger. Exciting things are ahead for SAPS! The last thing I'm gonna do before I leave today is get up an About Us page. Now remember, I didn't get an email from anybody about what they wanted specifically. If you don't like something I put up, just let me know and I'll fix it however you like it. We're gonna hopefully get some cool pics up later to the post, but until then we'll at least have a description of ourselves. I wish I had time to post some more hauntings but I'm busy so I can't really get that up before I leave. Finally, as a reminder, I will be leaving next Wednesday for Virginia so there may not be any updates from me for a while beyond brief updates. Don't worry though, we'll still have some good things added from the new authors hopefully. 
Until next time,
Keep your eyes open and look for what is out there

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